Speaker Jen Zajac
Time 2019-01-21 11:10
Conference LCA2019

Some people are not so polite.

Linus Torvalds

Good contributors have tried to change his behaviour, but got pushed out of project.

Apology. Good apology.

  • Not “I am sorry you feel that way”.
  • Takes responsibility for actions.
  • Accompanied by positive changes to improve situation.

Improved code of conduct. Requires good behaviour from all people.

Surely this is obvious?

No - read the comments for evidence. Or rather don’t read them.

  • COC means Linux has been compromised and cannot be trusted.
  • Trolls

Not a good apology?

  • Timing. Before big New York article.
  • Happened after New York journalist asked him about abusive behaviour.

Much of what was in article was already public knowledge.

What were the effects?

Changing COC easy. Implementing may be harder.

Some developers threatened to revoke licences. However this didn’t happen.

Writer of COC has received death threats, personal address published, etc.

COC interpretation in Linux code base.

Maintainers lead by example. Linus needs to be held to higher standard.

Newcomer’s experience. Not much impact yet. Mailing list hasn’t changed yet.

Linus. Back on project. Not personal attacking others.

Proof that Trolls were wrong. Linus will still say if contributions are not good enough.