Announcement and overcrowding
On the plus side:
This morning on the 7:47am from UFTG, the train had one of the good drivers (maybe the best driver), who gave announcements:
- After Blackburn, explaining the reason for the delay was the previous train departing from Blackburn running late - yes this was obvious - but still nice to get an official word from the driver.
- At Richmond station the driver suggested passengers for Flinders Street stay on the train and change at Parliament.
- At Parliament he followed up and told above passengers which platform to go to.
- At Parliament he also said passengers shouldn't be scared about getting of to allow passengers to get off, as he would wait for them to get on again. (I haven't heard this announcement before...)
On the downside:
The 9:10pm Belgrave from Flagstaff station was fuller then ever before (only about 5 seats vacant at Flagstaff and the train was very full until Heatherdale or Ringwood). This time I took photos on my phone. Taken on the 9:05pm train from Flinders Street just after Richmond station.

I wonder if trains are fuller then normal due to the Burnley tunnel accident.