More overcrowding
Train arrived flagstaff at 21:12 (two minutes late). Only 1 seat vacant at Flagstaff, had to push and shove to get it.
Richmond station, 21:19:

Burnley, 21:21.

Hawthorn, after being at station for 1 to 2 minutes, 21:24.

Hawthorn, after departure at 21:27.

Box Hill. Passengers leaving train. 21:45.

Box Hill. Train leaving. 21:46.

Other things I noticed:
3 carriage Flinders street train at East Camberwell was very full (many if not all seats looked occupied but still standing room - at least compared with my train!).
This train was followed by an empty 6 carriage train not taking passengers.
At Blackburn, a Flinders Street train was terminated (defective train? I couldn't quite make out the announcement), and many annoyed passengers had to get out.
The level crossing between Nunawading and Mitcham was block for cars (at least cars heading North towards Maroondah Highway) by a police car parked parallel to the boom gates.
At Canterbury station a wheel chair user got off. Not sure how the wheel chair fit, or when it got on.
Not sure if any of these items are related or not...
The train arrived at Ringwood at 22:00, and at Upper Ferntree Gully at 22:14.