
Latrobe Valley accident

AO-2007-065: Cessna Aircraft Company 172M, VH-EUI and Amateur Built Avid Flyer, 28-0929, Latrobe Valley Aerodrome Vic.

Preliminary report now available.

From the report:

Sometime later, as the aircraft had progressed in the circuit, two aircraft attempted to make a radio broadcast together, and the instructor in the second Cessna 172 reported that he broadcast that there had been an over-transmission and that the transmission indicated that both aircraft had called on final approach. In response to that broadcast, it was reported that the pilot of the Avid broadcast that ‘he had the other aircraft in sight’. The instructor reported that he noticed that there appeared to be two aircraft in close proximity on final approach to runway 09. It was reported that shortly after that, the Cessna and the Avid collided while on final approach to runway 09.

We will have to wait until the final report.

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